
Showing posts from October, 2017

My holidays

Every summer holiday my family and I go to Tongoy, a small city located in the north of Santiago; we go there because is my mother’s birth place so all of my mother’s family members reunite there to celebrate the New Year, Tongoy has a nice beach suitable for bathing so my brother and I enjoy spending time there; we usually spend like 3 weeks there and then return home.  Even though I really enjoy my time in Tongoy, after a week or so I became really bored, because I don´t have a friend of my age to spend the time with, and also there are not much activities to do in that small city, so I would prefer going somewhere else, like a big city with a beach and a lot of activities to do or even travelling abroad, all of this with a group of friends. All of my mother’s family members go to Tongoy so I spend the holiday with my 3 aunts, my 2 uncles, my 2 cousins and my father, mother and brother; but as I said, I would like to spend some time of my holiday with friends, both my college

Drugs of abuse

Today I am going to talk about a hallucinogen drug called LSD; the LSD was created in 1938 by a scientist named Albert Hofmann, it is a psychedelic drug that produces psychological effects. Their effects can be hallucination with closed and open eyes, distortion in the perception of time and the disturbance of perception, awareness and feelings. It is used as a recreational illegal drug and in some countries is a legal drug under medical prescription in psychotherapy.   Personally I have tried a drug of abuse, the alcohol, but that doesn’t mean that I abuse of it because I am not very fond of drinking alcohol so I don’t use it frequently. Even though the LSD doesn´t produce addiction, their use can produce adverse psychiatric reactions, like anxiety, paranoia and delusions. The person who consumes the drug can experience emotional changes either sadness to euphoria, also an increase of interpersonal relations, produce a creative impulse and of course it produce hallucination.

Post graduate studies

In the future when I finish my studies in Pharmacy, I would like to have a PhD degree; I think that having a post grade nowadays is really important; to be a good professional, you need to keep studying, because the information that we have is always changing. Firstly, I would take diplomacy in clinical pharmacy, because I am very interested in that area and that will allow me to gain more knowledge about medical treatments and how the drug affects the patient, and then I would be able to apply it in the job. My final goal is to have a PhD degree in Pharmacology that way I could do research about the treatment of different pathologies and the effect of the drug on the patient. I would like to continue my studies abroad, in countries advance on the areas of drugs and pathologies research. I think that to be able to pay for my post grade studies I would have to take a job while I continue my studies; then after obtaining the diplomacy, I would find a good job that let me apply