Drugs of abuse

Resultado de imagen para lsd
Today I am going to talk about a hallucinogen drug called LSD; the LSD was created in 1938 by a scientist named Albert Hofmann, it is a psychedelic drug that produces psychological effects. Their effects can be hallucination with closed and open eyes, distortion in the perception of time and the disturbance of perception, awareness and feelings. It is used as a recreational illegal drug and in some countries is a legal drug under medical prescription in psychotherapy.  
Resultado de imagen para lsdPersonally I have tried a drug of abuse, the alcohol, but that doesn’t mean that I abuse of it because I am not very fond of drinking alcohol so I don’t use it frequently.
Even though the LSD doesn´t produce addiction, their use can produce adverse psychiatric reactions, like anxiety, paranoia and delusions. The person who consumes the drug can experience emotional changes either sadness to euphoria, also an increase of interpersonal relations, produce a creative impulse and of course it produce hallucination.
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Other observable effects are fever, hair erection, and increase of the cardiac frequency, sweating, dilated pupils, insomnia and tremors.    
It also has some benefits, a lot of psychoanalysts and psychotherapists used it to break the mental barriers of the patients achieving them to affront in just one session their repressed content.

Resultado de imagen para drugsBeing addicted to a drug is a very dangerous thing, when you are not able to live without it, it´s when the big problems start, because it gets difficult to turn back; abstinence syndrome, deterioration of the central nervous system and aggression are some of the effects of drug addiction.   


  1. Wow, I didn't know that this drug of abuse can be legal and used for medicine 🙀

  2. That's the problem with the drugs in spite of being beneficial, humans don't occupy them rationally and we end up absorbing all the damage by our irresponsibility.


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