Speaking English

Resultado de imagen para ingles
I think English is really important nowadays, is a universal language and in today society where the world can all connect, is really important to know how to communicate with other people.
Resultado de imagen para niƱos estudiando ingles

When I started my school education is when I first started learning English, they teach us English at a young age, so I think that having a good base is really important to learn anything. When I enter university I already knew English, so it was easier for me and having English here helped me to review my use of English.

Resultado de imagen para blogs

In the class the teacher make us make blogs, and I think it is a very fun way to practice the writing, so I really would recommend this teaching method because is not a monotone way  to teach.
Imagen relacionadaThere are definitely things that I need to improve; I am bad at writing even in my birth language so in English is more difficult. I think that to master a language you need to go to the place where it is spoken so I would like to travel to an English speaking country.

Imagen relacionadaIn my daily life I use English when I watch my TV series or movies sometimes I can´t found the movie with subtitles so I watch it in English or usually I just don’t read them. Also I follow a lot of Youtubers who speak English so I apply my English to understand what they are saying; even when I am studying and I need to look up for something and it is in English, I use my English and try to understand it, I am most of the times able to read it and comprehend it.


  1. I share your pain, i hate to write even in Spanish, which makes it vary difficult for me to do it in English.

  2. I do the same thing when I can't found a movie or a T.V shows with Spanish subtitles


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