My future job

Imagen relacionadaIn the future I would like a job that challenge me to do multiple task and not monotone ones, to always be doing different things; I am very interested in the area of research, in the actuality I am studying Pharmacy, so being able to study the drug and create new ones would be pretty amazing; I also like the clinical area of the career, to work in the hospital looking for the best way to treat the patient, sounds very interesting to me. I imagine myself working of both areas, either working with laboratory machines or working with people.

Imagen relacionadaI would really like to work outdoors, but the job I like is more an indoor job, so it would not bother me so much working on the inside.
My dream is to travel around the world, so if my job gives me the chance to travel abroad I would take the opportunity.
I would like to be paid good money, I don’t ask it to be a giant sum of money, but if the salary is good I would be more than happy.

Resultado de imagen para farmaceuticoI am thinking of taking a major in the future, I don’t know which yet because I am just starting my studies but I definitely want to take one in the future.
In Chile, the pharmacist is seen as the one working on the pharmacy selling the drug, but is more than that; they don’t know that the one who helps choosing the best way to treat the patient in the hospital is the pharmacist.              


  1. That last sentence is so true, when i told my neighbor what i'm studying he say: "oh, so do you want to sell drugs on a pharmacy?" .... no comments

  2. They know nothing about working as a pharmacist. It has a very large field of work nowadays!

  3. I'm totally agree with you in everything, unfortunately the pharmacist is always seen as a medicine seller.
    I would also like to work in the clinical area! :)

  4. I totally agree with you, I would also like to have a not boring job


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