My faculty

Imagen relacionadaI am currently studying Pharmacy at the Chemistry faculty of Chile University; I think there are some good points of the faculty and also some things that need to be changed.
The curriculum that I am studying today is the new one, it was implemented in 2015; I personally don´t have any problem with the new curriculum I really like it, at least for now.
Resultado de imagen para laboratorioThe career lasts 10 semesters and I think that is too much, in developed countries the duration of most of the careers are approximately 3 years, so I think that we are spending our money needlessly and we have to short our study duration.
Resultado de imagen para comida con mal saborThe faculty facilities are the ones that really needs a change, the buildings are way too old and even the laboratories and the equipment; I think that is really important to have a nice place to study and that helps the emotional state of the student. Also the students have to queuing to heat their food because there are very few microwaves and the food in the cafeteria is not so good and the space to eat is really small.
Resultado de imagen para computadores viejosThe use of technology in this faculty can´t be compare to the ones of other faculties of the same institution, we have old computers, old data, but at least the internet is good, but it has little reach so we can´t use it everywhere; so I think that all the different faculties should have the same technology.
About the teaching methods, I think there are good enough and for now I don´t have complains.


  1. I totally agree with you in everything, it’s very necessary to modernize the faculty, to make it a better place for students...


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