Our amazing human body: The ear

Imagen relacionadaFor me, the ear or the sense of hearing is one of the most impressive part of the human body, because it´s able to transmit the signals of what enters to it and send them to the brain, that’s why I am able to listen and enjoy my favourite music.
Resultado de imagen para escucharThe role of the ear is principally detect, transmit and convert the sound in electric impulses it also has the function of maintaining our balance sense; the ear is an extremely developed organ, but in the case of the human, it isn´t very developed. It´s located on both sides of our head.
The ear consist of three parts, external ear, middle ear and internal ear; each one with a different size.
Resultado de imagen para oidoA lot of illnesses can affect the ear or the balance; the ear infections are pretty common between children, or hearing loss produced by a lesion of the internal ear, other type occurred when the sound waves can´t enter the internal ear.

There are a lot of precautions you can take to maintain your ears healthy, but the main ones are to never introduce any object inside them and avoid too loud sounds.


  1. Your favorite part of the human body it's the same as mine! :O The ear it's the entry to our brain, so it's as important as the brain...


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