my hobbies

Resultado de imagen para tocar el piano
When I have free time I enjoy to do a lot of things, firstly playing the piano, wherever I have the time I start playing; and secondly reading books, ever since I remember I always loved to read.
Resultado de imagen para libroWhen I play the piano I try learning new songs, watching youtube videos or reading the music sheet. I read a lot of different books, but recently I prefer horror or mystery books.
I started playing the piano 3 years ago, but when I was a child I had a little piano toy, it was my favourite; and I remember, when I was a child, before going to bed my mother will always read me a book, I think thats why I love to read.
They are important to me because they are a way to escape reality and immerse myself into another world in the case of reading, and to express myself through music. 
When I was younger I did figure skating, but it only lasted 2 years. A hobby that I would never do is collect things, because I hate accumulate things.
In the future I would like to make traveling around the world a hobby, to discover different places and cultures.


  1. I recently like a lot to listen to piano, especially Debussy and Tchaikovsky. Btw, you could read Extraordinary Narrative by Edgar Allan Poe or Misery by Stephen King, in this last one a lady is so f*cked up, it's pretty cool!

  2. Your hobbies sounds amazing, I love the piano, I think it's the most beautiful instrument :)

  3. Playing the piano must be something super difficult...


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